
Monday, March 22, 2021

paper whistle

a few weekes ago we me paper took about 10 minutes. here are the steps.1.get sume paper.cut some paper 40 cm long by 4 cm wide.then fold it in half. after that you cut a triangle at the end that doesn't open up but don't make it too big then you fold the sides down.then you have a paper whistle.

Wednesday, March 17, 2021


here is a picture of me doing the triathlon ferst we do the run. we run aruond 4 padooks then we bike arund the ferld 4 times. then we run to the pool and took our shoes of then jumed in the pool 4 lenth. arfter that we ran to the finish line. I cam ferst.

Friday, March 12, 2021

maths game

 Here is  me and my friend playing a maths game it's really fun you start by getting 10 sticks with number

and then get them in order first one to get them in order wins Mr Milne showed me this game 

me and P.J had about four rounds.  he won  twice and I won twice it was  super fun hope you enjoy the pictures

Friday, March 5, 2021

all about me

a few weeks ago I made my all about me.I did abit of writing of my favourite food. I did it on my crombook it was fun.

CT of Reeding work Friday 5th

I did sume feeding today about how to store food and titi.titi is a type of seafood i havint had it before. but I really want to know what to try sume. 

Thursday, March 4, 2021

Dogs and cats

last week we were writing about cats and dogs. what one I like better. I chose a dog because they are good at farming and playful soft. fast at runing they can be good at garden your house.

Monday, March 1, 2021

triathlon practice

 today we practice for the triathlon at school we did 3 laps around the court and three laps  in the pool it was really fun. we did it 3 times. I got so tired.